He took a chance . . .
Holden Harris is an eighteen-year-old locked in a prison of autism. Despite his quiet ways and quirky behaviors, Holden is very happy and socially normal—on the inside, in a private world all his own. In reality, he is bullied at school by kids who only see that he is very different.
Ella Reynolds is a part of the “in” crowd. A cheerleader and star of the high school drama production, her life seems perfect. When she catches Holden listening to her rehearse for the school play, she is drawn to him . . . the way he is drawn to the music. Then Ella makes a dramatic discovery—she and Holden were best friends as children.
Frustrated by the way Holden is bullied, and horrified at the indifference of her peers, Ella decides to take a stand against the most privileged and popular kids at school. Including her boyfriend, Jake.
Ella believes miracles can happen in the unlikeliest places, and that just maybe an entire community might celebrate from the sidelines. But will Holden’s praying mother and the efforts of Ella and a cast of theatre kids be enough to unlock the prison that contains Holden? This time, friendship, faith, and the power of a song much be strong enough to open the doors to the miracle Holden needs.
- Number of pages: 319
I took a chance reading this book, and was not disappointed. This story was deep. I cant say that everyone out there is going to be compelled to read this book because it isn’t one of the usual genres that kids out there are into. And by that I mean there is not one vampire, werewolf, faerie, or love triangle. But should that stop teens from reading Unlocked? I don’t think it should. This book captivates a reader such as myself because of the genuine feeling that comes from it. This book takes you on a spiritual journey through the family and friends of Holden Harris, a guy locked in the grip of autism. Other than praying for the mental return of Holden Harris from his “prison” I didn’t see much of the Christianity aspects in this book. That could be good for anyone out there that isn’t Christian who might want to read this book because I didn’t get the feeling that it pushes this religion to make you want to be a Christian or anything. I, on the other hand ,do believe in God so this was a good book that reminded me of the help the Father can give to those who call to him. Mostly I saw that from the parts where you look through the eyes of the mom of Holden. That poor woman, I can’t even pretend to understand what she went through. And the fact that this actually happens, that there are still kids out there who can’t break from their autism is so sad. I saw in this book how devastated these people who live with an autistic family member or friend might affect them and how much they want that person to come back. I actually did learn a lot from this book, which was good. I think all stories should always give you a little lesson in between pages. After reading I went on a little Google spree, and read a little more on this problem. I can’t say that it wasn’t a little tedious during the beginning when everything is coming into place and there is still no sign of recovery from Holden, but once I started to see some changes in him is when I really could put down the book.
From 1-10? Unlocked get a 6 because I did have to push myself for this book, but was rewarding at the end
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